Knowledge base \ Time Connect
Time Connect Article
Knowledge base \ Time Connect
Time Connect Parameters
The configuration of Time Connect in MS D365 F&O is legal entity specific. The configuration steps outlined below must be repeated for every legal entity that you want to use Clockify with Time Connect in.
Project Parameters
Path: Project Management & Accounting à Setup à Project Management and Accounting Parameters à Time Connect
In the parameter section you can configure the behaviour of the import to fit your needs, allowing you to use the sales and cost prices from the external system, define the journal type used and also define the base format of the import file.
Use Cost Price – Activating this parameter will use the cost price passed on from Clockify, if it’s not activated then the cost prices from Dynamics is used instead.
Use Sales Price – Activating this parameter will use the sales price passed on from Clockify, if it’s not activated then the cost prices from Dynamics is used instead.
Decimal Separator – Depending on format settings of Clockify the decimal separator in the file can vary, you therefore need to configure the correct decimal separator her.
Date Format – Select the date correct date format used by the file that’s imported.