IOS & Android app for MS D365 expense management

The only native expense management app for Dynamics 365 Finance on Android and IOS, it let’s your users capture and manage their expenses on the go, but uses all of the advanced logic already built into Dynamics 365 making it easy to plug-in to your existing solution.

With the ability to create new expense reports, editing existing reports and submitting these to workflow. All of this while the expense policies and workflows are controlled from inside Dynamics 365.

Some of the functionality that’s included in the product is:


Slow, delayed and inaccurate registration of employee expenses

Causing Increases billing cycles, admin cost and decreases employee satisfaction.

Delayed expense registrations impacts visibility of project profitability and invoicing.

Employees spend too much time on administration of their expenses.

Have to stay on the Dynamics platform

Ideal Solution

A mobile solution that allows employees to process expenses as they are happening

Built around D365 Finance & Operations Expense Management

Capturing expense details and receipts as they happen reduces the processing time.

Purpose built Android and IOS app using single sign-on

Target Outcomes

Accurately capture expenses with minimum administration, while keeping full control of project finances in D365 Finance & Operations.

Free up time for value adding activities.

Get a better insight into your project finances.

Reduces disputes over expenses with both employees and clients.

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